RTCO: Committees
Have a specific interest, want to make greater impact, or meet neighbors? Join an RTCO committee!
Art, Culture & Events
Have big and bright ideas on community, cultural or arts events for the community? Love organizing people and getting into the details? Take every chance to celebrate holidays, achievements, neighbors and our neighborhood? The Art, Culture, and Events Committee is for you! Reach to riverterraceinfo@gmail.com to join or for more information.

Environment & Health
Passionate about our natural environment and taking steps to protect, preserve, and enhance community quality of life? Interested in local and federal programs and policies that support neighborhood health? Enjoy keeping your yard, block, or alley in tip-top shape? The Environmental Committee is ready for you! Reach to riverterraceinfo@gmail.com to join or for more information.

Membership & Block Captains
Take every chance to greet a new neighbor? Like taking a walk down the block to distribute RTCO info door-to-door? Or want to be behind-the-scenes collecting and organizing member info? Welcome to the Membership & Block Captains committee! Reach to riverterraceinfo@gmail.com to join or for more information.
Have a background in writing, journalism, photography, or social media? Always ensuring your neighbors and friends are in-the-know? Like thinking across multiple channels to reach multiple audiences? The Communicates Committee is ready for you! Reach to riverterraceinfo@gmail.com to join or for more information.

Like reading up on the law, working with our ANC, and presenting RTCO's perspective clear and tactfully? Interested in taking steps toward local government? Engaged in public education and neighborhood schools? Get involved with our Legislative Committee! Reach to riverterraceinfo@gmail.com to join or for more information.

Have creative fundraising ideas? Love setting goals and achieving them? Want to work behind-the-scenes for the betterment of the entire organization? You're perfect for the Fundraising Committee! Reach to riverterraceinfo@gmail.com to join or for more information.

Ways & Means
Have experience in organizational budgets or non-profit management? Scrupulous in the details? Believe in stewarding resources wisely for the greater good? We'd love to consider you for our Ways & Means Committee. Reach to riverterraceinfo@gmail.com for more information.
Interested in taking a leadership role within RTCO? We welcome diverse candidates and representation. As a start, we encourage you to read the bylaws. Current leadership (who collectively make up the Executive Committee) are also happy to visit with you about their experiences. Reach to riverterraceinfo@gmail.com for more information.